Events Calendar
Dunnville Public Skate
Hits : 1748
This is a drop in program, there is no registration.
General Arena Rules
These guidelines apply to all arena programs;
1. All participants must respect and abide by posted signs and cooperate with arena staff. Rules are modelled from Ontario Recreation Facilities Association Inc., Public Skating Guidelines (September 2018)
2. Parents/Guardians - must be within sight and control of their children. Do not leave children unattended.
3. Food and Beverage Consumption - is permitted in the arena lobby and spectator seating areas only.
4. Games, Hockey Games and/or Hockey Sticks – no games are to be played at any time that will endanger the safety and/or the enjoyment of others, this includes horseplay, hockey games and the use of hockey sticks.
5. Keeping Pace - maintain reasonable control of your speed, course and direction. Do not skate in groups, Do not stop where you obstruct other skaters. Accept responsibility for knowing the range of your ability while on skates; skate within the limits of that ability and as appropriate to the session on which you are skating.
6. Shoes - ice skates required, no street shoes.
7. Skating Aids – only permitted during pre-school skate.
8. Wheelchairs/Sledges - wheelchairs and sledges are welcome. Individuals using these devices must travel in the same direction as other skaters. Attendants/helpers are welcome to assist individuals, however must wear skates or ice cleats on the ice surface.
9. Use of Helmets – helmets are strongly recommended.
10. Technology – headsets, cell phones, cameras or other handheld electronic devices are not to be used while skating.
11. Carrying of Children – children must not be carried by any means(i.e. on shoulders in arms or in a carrier) while on the ice.
12. Sitting on Boards – patrons may not sit on rink boards at any time.
13. Figure Skating – figure skating maneuvers are only permitted during open figure skate.
14. Chairs, sleds, strollers and pylons are not permitted on the ice surface.
Location 275 Ramsey Dr, Dunnville