Friday 06 December 2024, 05:00pm - 07:00pm
Hits : 605
Cayuga Chamber of Commerce Presents Cayuga Christmas Light Up Night!
Large Christmas Tree Light up at 5:00.
Santa arrives to meet and take your own photos at 5:00.
Firefighters attending to give trucks tours and accept Food Donations.
Ball Hockey begins at 5:15! (FREE to play!)
Incredible Firework display at 7:00 (Seen right from the Village Green!) Thanks to Haldimand Motors
Hot Drinks for everyone.
Hotdog Fundraiser with Cayuga Minor Hockey.
Lots of FREE candy for kids!
Library will be open with treats and crafts.
Toronto Motorsports Park bringing race cars!
All this and so much more, Cayuga Street North and Village Green right in Cayuga, Friday December 6th!!
Are you coming!!?? Don't miss it!!
Ball Hockey sign up info posted below. ALL ages and skill levels welcome!
Location Cayuga, ON