Events Calendar
1st Annual Christmas Market
Saturday 16 November 2024, 10:00am - 04:00pm
Hits : 314
Come surround yourself with some Christmas spirit!
Discover handmade creations, shop from local entrepreneurs and treat yourself to some amazing homemade meals, baked goods and candy!
Help us kick start the holiday season and show some love and support for all our local vendors! Happy Holidays!
Discover handmade creations, shop from local entrepreneurs and treat yourself to some amazing homemade meals, baked goods and candy!
Help us kick start the holiday season and show some love and support for all our local vendors! Happy Holidays!
25+ local vendors
Free Admission
First 50 Attendees receive a free produce bag
Food drive for local food banks
Free coffee, tea or hot chocolate and a cookie
Visit from Santa 11-2
Photo backdrop set-up
Door Prizes
Free gift for Children & Seniors while supplies last!
Free Admission
First 50 Attendees receive a free produce bag
Food drive for local food banks
Free coffee, tea or hot chocolate and a cookie
Visit from Santa 11-2
Photo backdrop set-up
Door Prizes
Free gift for Children & Seniors while supplies last!
Location MCGN Commmunity Hall - 659-4 New Credit Road, Hagersville ON N0A 1H0